Kwan Um Zen in Lithuania
Kwan Um School of Zen is international organization, spreading teaching of Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn worldwide. Kwan Um Zen Lithuanian School main practices are located in Vilnius and Kaunas Zen centers. These temples offer daily zen practice with Zen questions and answers, weekend retreats four times a year with visiting Zen Masters, annual two week retreat in countryside, intensified weekend practices with Zen community, Kido (chanting) retreats.
Four Lithuanian Zen monastics are practising in South Korea and China, leading practices in Lithuania each year. Myong Hae Sunim JDPS is a Dharma Master, able to lead kongan interviews.
Practice schedule
Vilnius Zen center
Mokyklos str 21A, Vilnius
Monday - Friday
5.30 a.m. - 108 bows, Morning Bell chant, daily chanting, sitting 2*30 min
19.00 - special evening chanting, sitting 40 min
7.30 a.m. - 108 bows, Morning Bell chant, daily chanting, sitting 2*30 min
10.00 a.m. - 108 bows, sitting 3*30 min, 2 sutras
Vilnius Zen Center contacts:
+370 616 49190
Information in Lithuanian, English, Russian, Polish languages
Ongoing meditation retreats with a Teacher:
Weekend meditation retreat with a Teacher
June 8-9, 2019
Teacher - Myong Hae Sunim JDPSN
Retreat begins on Saturday 6 a.m., ends on Sunday at 16.00. Participation one full day is possible. Accomodation in meditation hall with sleeping bags is provided. Vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner included. Donation for the retreat - 60 eur for non-members, 40 eur for School members, 30 eur for Dharma teachers.
Kaunas Zen center
Verkių str 25B, Kaunas
Monday - Friday
6.00 a.m. - 108 bows, daily chanting, sitting 30 min
Tuesday and Thursday
18.30 - 108 bows, daily chanting, sitting 30 min
6.00 a.m. - 108 bows, daily chanting, sitting 2*30 min
9.00 a.m. - Morning Bell chant, daily chanting, sitting 2*30 min
Weekend meditation retreat with a Teacher
May 11-12, 2019
Teacher - Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN from Austria.
Retreat begins on Saturday 6 a.m., ends on Sunday at 16.00. Participation one full day is possible. Accomodation in meditation hall with sleeping bags is provided. Vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner included. Donation for the retreat - 50 eur for non-members, 40 eur for School members, 30 eur for Dharma teachers.
May 12 at 14.00 - lecture about Zen. English language, with translation into Lithuanian. Free entrance.
Kaunas Zen Center contacts:
+370 601 56350
Information in Lithuanian, English, Russian languages
What is Zen
More information in the main school page
Kwan Um Zen European page
Other resources:
Please select Upcoming events using menu on the left side.
Please visit European page for main information.
You can find contact information on our communities in different cities under tab Zen centrai Lietuvoje.
Announcement regarding donations for acquisition of premises for Kaunas Zen Center
Kaunas Zen Center (Kam No Sa) is currently located in a rented appartment. This is a good situation, but we understand that it may change any time. Therefore, in order to secure the place for Kaunas Sangha Zen practice, which has a history of 20 years and unites over 30 members, we are opening a special Kam No Sa Fund with the purpose of acquiring the appartment.
Beneficiary's name: Kauno Kvan Um dzeno mokyklos budistine bendruomene
Beneficiary address: Raudondvario pl. 129, LT-47188
Account (IBAN): LT16 7300 0100 8356 6432
Bank: „Swedbank“, AB
Bank Code: 73000
Bank address: Savanorių pr. 19, LT-03502 Vilnius, Lithuania
Transfer details: Donation for Kam No Sa Fund
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